Registration for Summer Camp Programs 2025

Summer Camp M - Th 9am - 3pm
Full Day Summer M - F 7:15am to 5:45pm

Please fill out the form below and submit at the end of the page.
- If you are interested in SUMMER CAMP for your child 18 months through incoming 5th grader please mark the sessions below.
- If you are interested in FULL DAY SUMMER for your child 18 months through incoming 5th grader, please ONLY mark M-F and the month you are interested in attending.
- Full Day is billed monthly June 1st and July 1st.

"*" indicates required fields

Parent or Guardian Name*

Your Child's Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Child's Gender
Will your child enroll in Fall 2025-2026?
Full Day Summer Program:
Please mark your registration intent.
• All ages can enroll on M-Th
• 18 months and 2s, can enroll on M-Th and M/W or T/Th

May 27 - June 5
June 9 - June 19
June 23 - July 3
July 7 - July 17
July 21 - July 31

2nd Child's Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
2nd Child's Gender
Will your 2nd child enroll in Fall 2025-2026?
Full Day Summer Program:
Please mark your registration intent.
• All ages can enroll on M-Th
• 18 months and 2s, can enroll on M-Th and M/W or T/Th

May 27 - June 5
June 9 - June 19
June 23 - July 3
July 7 - July 17
July 21 - July 31

3rd Child's Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
3rd Child's Gender
Will your 3rd child enroll in Fall 2025-2026?
Full Day Summer Program:
Please mark your registration intent.
• All ages can enroll on M-Th
• 18 months and 2s, can enroll on M-Th and M/W or T/Th

May 27 - June 5
June 9 - June 19
June 23 - July 3
July 7 - July 17
July 21 - July 31

Please provide us with any additional information you may feel is important for us to know about your child.
If you have more than three children to enroll, please email us at